On 10/18/2012 11:34 PM, Jérome Armau wrote:
> Keep in mind that we're trying to make the openstreetmap project accessible
> to a larger share of the population. In every single country, that means
> appealing to a non-computer-geek crowd. For example, the usage of "-Djosm.
> home=<dir>" is dark magic to most people. Even though it's acceptable to
> most users of this list who are well used to the inner workings of their
> computer system, it's just plain wrong to advise any non-power-user to do
> this.
> In non-English-speaking countries, that also means that the average
> contributor:
> - does not have a very good command of English (beyond the tagging
> standards)
> - does not know about services such as Google translate
> I'm confident a significant portion of French, German, Italian and Spanish
> contributors are in this case. These people are not represented on this
> mailing list, but need to be taken into account in these decisions.

As Frederik just wrote: Those messages were not send to people
importing 100 buildings in their neighbourhood at a time, but to people
importing thousands of buildings in a short time. If they weren't the
DWG wouldn't have noticed them.

People who are importing thousands of buildings, better be computer
literate. Being computer literate and French speaking, means you are
capable of typing "traduire en français" into a search engine.


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