On Wed, Dec 05, 2012 at 08:37:50AM +0100, bruno wrote:
> On mer, 2012-12-05 at 05:49 +0100, Roland Olbricht wrote:
> > - use tags or tag keys that have been used quite often
> > http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/ 
> What if a new  way of tagging something gets approved? The moment it
> becomes "approved" there will be probably 0 objects with the new tags,
> and if someone follows this principle (from what I see, this is exactly
> what happens) the new tags won't be used, rendering useless the
> discussion and approving of the new tags*.

They *are* mostly useless. Many people think they are important and they have
succeeded in convincing other that they are. But they are not. What *is*
important is how people actually tag things and how those thing are actually
used to produce maps.

> I'm probably a too novice mapper to appreciate the freedom this "tag as
> you see fit" approach gives me, I usually feel like "couldn't they just
> compromise on ONE way of tagging this? what if I tag it wrong?", but
> that's probably my fault...

Thats not your fault. It is our fault, "our" in this case meaning the "old
timers" fault, for not explaining it right. Yes, it would be nice if we
could decide on how things should be done in some forum, discuss everything
in theory and then go out into the world and do things. Unfortunately this
doesn't work. The world is more complex than any plans we make. The way we
do things in OSM might be messy, but it has proven to work. OSM is here,
OSM does produce usable maps.

The way tagging is done is just a reflection of how complex the world is. And
yes, it could be a bit less messy. It could be a bit easier. And many many
people have been working on it to make it easier. But it is a long process.
And everybodies help is appreciated.

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.remote.org/jochen/  +49-721-388298

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