On 02/02/2013 07:41 PM, Jeff Meyer wrote:
There's a group working in parallel to put together a strategic plan,
in the absence of one, but doing this without leadership and support
from the top can be problematic.

Couple of people have mentioned the Strategic Working Group[1] to me in
the last few days when I ran the idea by them.

It seems to be an ideal platform for this kind of effort. It looks like
SWG has been inactive for quite a while now:

* Last meeting minutes are from December 2011 [2]
* Last mailing list thread is from September 2012 [3]

I am not sure what are the reasons of this inactivity, whether it is
intentional (OSMF does not want to set the agenda for the future) or
people just don't have the time/energy but regardless of that it looks
like the right place to discuss further.

The initiative that Jeff mentioned is in very early stages, basically
few people got together via e-mail after one of those recent "OSM Future
Look" threads and we came up with an idea to start a more structured
brainstorming. I think it should be revealed soon how to participate and
what this is exactly.

The most interesting challenge is of course moving from talking to
action, we have some ideas how to avoid "degenerating" into another
talking initiative. Involving OSMF in some capacity would be another
idea to give the initiative more momentum.

[1] http://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Strategic_Working_Group
[2] http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Working_Group_Minutes#Strategic_Working_Group
[3] http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/strategic/


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