On Apr 20, 2013 7:23 PM, "Craig Wallace" <craig...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> On 2013-04-20 19:24, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> OK, but would you apply this to Scotland and Wales?  Because that's an
>> analogous situation in the UK.
> Not really.
> Scotland/England/Wales are clearly administrative boundaries, and they
are tagged as such in OSM. And they fit in the hierarchy of admin levels,
ie below national boundaries, above council areas etc. They are comparable
to states in the USA.
> So not relevant to tagging Native American lands.

It is entirely relevant, because Native American nations are, for almost
all practical purposes, either above the county level or the state level to
try to shoehorn it into that hierarchy.  They have their own laws, levy
their own taxes, run their own courts, schools, jails, road authorities,
police, issue license plates, and in a few even more sovereign examples,
issue internationally recognized passports and have their own militia
forces.  They're even recognized as independent in the US constitution, and
analogous UK situations just aren't running into this debate.

I'm having trouble grasping why this situation is different from autonomous
and sovereign regions within the national boundaries of another state are
somehow special or different on this continent than on every other
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