That's pretty cool.
Probably two small ideas to keep in mind:
1) you count objects in Y from mappers coming from X and use absolute
numbers for the color indication. You should IMHO take the number of
mappers into account, too. e.g. Germany with a big number of mappers
produces a rather "dark" map, whereas e.g. the countries in middle
america all produce a very light map.
2) could you change the website code in a way that the map fits into the
screen? it get's ugly when the map is bigger than your screen, and
that's the case here even at my usual notebook (not to mention phones
etc.). Sizes relative to the viewport might help.


  Am 25.07.2013 11:47, schrieb Frédéric Bonifas:
> Hi,
> For a long time I have wanted to know where people from a given
> country also contribute in OpenStreetMap.
> I have analyzed all the nodes in the OSM Planet from the 15th June
> 2013 and I came up with this map :
> One identified bias is that each contributor is assigned the country
> where he has contributed the most as his main country. But this may be
> false.
> Best

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