Ross Scanlon wrote:

You'll have to copy and paste the link.

Actually you will have to do more than that. the domain is incorrectly set up, so only will actually work - you need the www.

Notice the broken casing on the sides of some of the roads.
If what you are talking about is the change in style on the roads to the right, then how were they generated as they do not appear on the main database? It's nice to see I can just cut and paste the old style location urls and they will be recognised - hopefully no-one will remove that as redundant ;)

I have an interest in this for showing what is to the side of roads. While on one hand macro mapping says add tags to a road to show things like footpaths and cycleways, micro mapping would show the all of the infrastructure actually as areas, but at least as separate identifiable ways which can be selected in preference to the road for planning waking and cycling activity. If the 'road' with no 'side furniture' is rendered with broken sides like this it makes sense. Africa has considerably more of the 'tracks' that I am talking about and there it is even more important to identify ones where the two ruts making up the track would make it dangerous for following on foot? While many parts of the world have different requirements, generally the same rules apply worldwide?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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