
For the last about two weeks we haven't gotten any coastline updates through.
The problem is that every day there is something broken somewhere with the
coastline. Often problems get fixed the same day, but new problems show up
the next.

I have now changed the coastline update process from "once a day" to "once
every 4 hours". This means updates show up quicker in the OSM Inspector at
http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/?view=coastline . If you fix something, you
can see the result earlier and the chances that we get a good coastline
increase. Please use the OSM Inspector to check on your own and other peoples

Remember the coastline has to be one unbroken line of ways (tagged
natural=coastline) that are connected end-to-end. The land always has to
be on the left side, the water on the right side of that way. Never leave
the coastline in a broken state, even if you think you'll come back to it
tomorrow. Unless with most other stuff you edit in OSM, if you break the
coastline in one place, it might mean the rest of the world doesn't get
coastline updates!

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-721-388298

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