On Monday 02 December 2013, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> TopOSM:
> http://toposm.ahlzen.com/
> (various examples on http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/TopOSM)
> OpenSeaMap:
> http://map.openseamap.org/?zoom=14&lat=56.04136&lon=12.63945&layers=BFTFFFTFFFT0FFFFFFFF
> OSM2World:
> http://maps.osm2world.org/?h=128&view=W&zoom=16&lat=48.57188&lon=13.46038&layers=B0FFFF
> The Heat maps from:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/SotM_2011_session:_Insert_Coin_To_Play
> The normal map in regions with non-latin script (demonstrating the 
> international and multilingual character of the project):
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/36.8092/10.1738
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/32.0951/34.7996
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/35.7375/51.5014
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/39.9178/116.3833
> or the Multilingual map (http://mlm.jochentopf.com/)
> I know combining such to an image with harmonic colors is not easy but 
> for this purpose it would be perfectly acceptable to tweak the colors 
> of the various maps for an appealing collage.

On Monday 02 December 2013, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Opencyclemap.org
> opencyclemap.org/?zoom=11&lat=40.7322&lon=-73.95491&layers=B000
> ÖPNV-Karte
> http://öpnvkarte.de/?zoom=13&lat=51.50521&lon=-0.14401&layers=TBTTT<http://xn--pnvkarte-m4a.de/?zoom=13&lat=51.50521&lon=-0.14401&layers=TBTTT>
> and many more individual mapstyles including work from stamen, mapbox,
> non-mapnik renderings, ...

I am fairly certain each and every one of these suggestions has already been 
featured as an image of the week. Those of you on IRC will know that every week 
Harry dutifully runs around asking people for suggestions and submissions for a 
new image of the week, and things that aren't repeats are getting fairly thin 
on the ground now after n hundred IotWs.

I am sure Harry would be only too happy to accept help with the IotW 
maintenance task if you were willing to provide it, but only if you're able to 
help in providing non-repetitious images.


(or maybe, looking at the wider view, people want to debate whether repeats are 

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