On 2014-02-26 12:31, Dave F. wrote:
On 26/02/2014 11:16, Maarten Deen wrote:
On 2014-02-26 11:42, Dave F. wrote:

I'm not convinced this is usually true. It maybe UK specific, but
municipal boundaries were more likely to originally be placed on
physical boundaries to farms & estates such as walls, fences etc.
before tracks/roads were developed. Roads subsequently evolved along
those boundaries afterwards.

It would be pretty silly to have a municiple boundary splitting the
centre of a road so different administrations were responsible for
maintaining the left & the right.

Like here [1]. The border is in the middle of the road,

Actually in the /middle/ of the road? I see no evidence of that. I'm
not suggesting Google Maps are definitive, but they show it to one

Yes. In the middle of the road. See [1], "In het midden van de rotonde stond gp230", translated: in the middle of the roundabout was gp230 located". The roundabout on the photo is located a bit more to the south where there is not streetview. That part was actually physically separated with a stone ridge, see the next photo.
Now it is a joint road.
GP231 is located when you take my SV link, turn around and go to the next roundabout.

[1] <http://www.grenspalen.nl/archief-denl/gp-depruis-nl-228-238.html>


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