Under which license would you share it? And why?

OSM offers you so many opportunities, I wonder what could be missing.
On Mar 13, 2014 11:28 AM, "Alex Barth" <a...@mapbox.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone -
> I've been sitting on writing about the detrimental effects of
> OpenStreetMap's share-alike license (ODbL) for a while and finally decided
> to, um, share. I've been listening long to many OpenStreetMappers I respect
> a ton telling me it's not so bad and it's just what we're stuck with right
> now. But given how bad share alike is for OpenStreetMap I don't think we
> should give up for pushing for a more open license. Here's why I think
> share-alike hurts OpenStreetMap and how this keeps OpenStreetMap from
> having the full impact it could have:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/lxbarth/diary/21221
> Looking forward to your comments,
> Alex
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