On 03/05/2014 17:26, colliar wrote:
How do you handle the copyright status on information from notes ?

I often find useful information like opening_hours and new openings of
shops/amenities in notes but how do I know if the anonymous user did add
this information from survey or legal sources ?

cu colliar
That's an interesting question. My first reaction would be to accept it as made in good faith provided that there was nothing obvious like a huge list in a systematic format.

The OpenStreetMap Foundation have signed up the the US Digital Millenium Copyright Act and so have a fairly painless procedure to report and remove individual items should they creep through.

If anyone working on the notes software and screens is reading this, I suggest changing the sentence "(Please don't enter personal information here.)" to "(Please don't enter personal information or information from copyrighted maps or directory listings here.)"


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