First of all let me say I'm a huge fan of the diaries, I think it is great that OpenStreetMap gives every user the chance to present his own "blog" to a larger audiance.

BUT something has to be done against the Spam on the User Diaries page. This could be done by moderating faster, but then there is still the problem with Twitter and other feed based systems.
Just today I got this:

You know what the first thing is I would do if I wasn't really committed to OpenStreetMap? I would UNFOLLOW that account. I actually had this set up for Facebook, but got rid of it, because it was so annoying.

OpenStreetMap already isn't doing that much regarding social media and Marketin/PR, so can we at least do it right with the few channels that exist?

The best solution in my opinion -if possible- would be to limit the access to diaries to accounts that have existed for a certain time and have some edits (just like 1 week and 5-10 Edits) or maybe easier require moderator approval for every account that isn't 1 week or month old. A general approval for the diaries by moderator approval for the first posts only might also be a solution.

I also wrote 2 diary entries about this some time ago:


PS: Then there is also the issue with profile backlink spam and while there is a page on the wiki to report it, but usually very little happens if you do:

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