A few OSM members interested in historic maps are working on our own
version of the New York Public Library "Building Inspector". If you've not
yet tried it out, go take a look - it's a great site:


So, the core function they are asking contributors to do is to check
(inspect) and fix the rough building outlines produced by the computer
script. Our version will be the same but will cover any city and any
library we can get good maps for. But we need a name.

Current names suggested are:

   - Historic Map Marker
   - Old Map Marker
   - OHM Buildings
   - Historic Map Inspector
   - Building Surveyor
   - Historic Building Constructor
   - Historic Building Fixer
   - Ghost Mapper
   - Ghost Building Mapper
   - Ghost Brick
   - Ghost Bricks and Mortar
   - Houses and History
   - Historic Map Booth
   - Old Building Kiosk
   - Historic Building Outliner

We're after your thoughts - which name works best? Is there some amazing
name we haven't thought of yet?
Rob (RobJN)

p.s. You're more than welcome to help in other ways. We're on the historic
mailing list if you want to follow the progress.
talk mailing list

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