
JOSM needs your support! The developer team of the editor JOSM is looking for a new logo. Therefore we're holding a graphics contest.

* What's it about?
The current logo should be replaced completely by your design. It will be used in the software itself, on the website and in various other media related to JOSM.

* Why do we need a new logo?
Presently, we are still using the old OSM icon from 2011. Instead of a slight revision, we would like to abandon the concept "OSM-logo + coffee mug" and find a new, independent identification for the project.

* What are the rules?
Everyone can participate. You can submit your work till 30th of September 2014 to contest at josm.openstreetmap.de. The image should be in vector format (SVG) and still look okay at low resolution (16x16 pixel). You can find further details on the wiki page:


We are looking forward to your contribution!

Paul Hartmann (for the JOSM team)

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