On 17/11/2014 15:41, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
I am a little concerned that the (already overwhelming) task of fixing OSMF, which has been entrusted to a board of seven good people, is being made still harder by people in mysterious unelected roles offering their advice.

I know of at least two: Mike Collinson is chair of the (AIUI moribund) 'Management Team'. Steve Coast is 'chairman emeritus' - I'm not sure whether Simon Poole has also been offered this title. I believe (but don't know) there may be others who receive copies of, and can send, management emails but aren't elected in any way.
Steve and I are the only persons receiving board CCs. Steve as Chaiman Emeritus and I as Management Team chair. Neither are mysterious, but they are unelected so I respectfully take Richard's point. We are also invited to attend board meetings.

Two requests:

First, for the sake of openness, it would be good to see these relationships documented on the OSMF website.

I have now documented the Management Team relationship: http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Management_Team#Tasks

For the Chairman Emeritus role, there is not is not a page on the website and, yes, it would be a good idea to have one. I would prefer to wait until after Thursday's meeting. Meanwhile, the general relationship is documented here:


Second, while the new board decides on its direction, a period of self-imposed silence by these people would be considerate. Frederik, Kathleen and Paul have been newly elected to do a difficult job. Their work will be made all the more difficult by a cacophony of advice from those without a mandate.

This isn't personal - I like Mike very much, while I think it's fairly comprehensively documented that Steve and I don't get on - but it seems, to me, common decency that if you ask someone to do a job, you give them the time and space to do it.
For transparency, I have attended about one year of board meetings now I think (it is minuted). I took the approach that I should simply listen and pick up items that the MT could handle. I was however encouraged to take a more participatory role provided that I do not take part in voting. On board email, I answer questions that are asked and occassionally make reports or specific requests from the Management Team or License Working Group. Else, the value is that I am generally aware of issues and do not need to be briefed. I cannot make comment on board meeting or email detail, but I do not think it breaching confidentiality to say that Steve's participation is overwhelming passive ... he makes his engagement through public, open channels to my knowledge.

During the approximately the past three weeks, and only then, I have certainly been aggressive in giving advice ... and asking it. Yes, it is possible that I have over-stepped bounds. I feel that it is also common decency that if you ask someone to do a job, then you should provide briefing and also get their opinions in order to support them. I have therefore had telephone conversations with 3 board members and may do with a 4th. I have sent two emails of definitely unsolicited advice, one 2014-10-27 and one today. I have requested that the Management Team be put on the Thursday board meeting agenda and published a document that may have prompted Richard's mailing. I feel it silly that the board should not be briefed on an issue that they might, if they want, decide is a major cause of this whole hoo-ha. A board member then commented, (but made no specific request), that the document made little recommendation on what the board could actually do. I took that as an invitation and am doing a second pass through the document, (which I shall now stop). Good, bad? Well, now I really don't know. On Thursday, I shall make a short preamble, offer to quit and then let the board take it from there. Whatever they decide, I wish them luck in a difficult but not insurmountable phase.

I hope that better meets your concerns? Likewise I like Richard and greatly respect his opinions.



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