On Friday 01 May 2015, Andrew MacKinnon wrote:
> I have created pages on the OSM wiki called
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Chain_Store_Cleanup> and
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Chain_Store_Directory>. Ideally I
> would like to create wiki pages for every large chain of stores in
> the world that is similar to Map Features, with recommended ways of
> tagging chain stores. A lot of new OSM users get this wrong and
> create incorrect data, and there wasn't anything on the wiki telling
> users that "McDonalds" or "Tim Horton's" is incorrect. [...]

Actually when you want to tag what chain a certain store belongs to the 
proper tag is brand=* - not for all chains the stores have a uniform 
name and even if this is the case the name also often varies with the 
language internationally.  As Frederik said, the name tag should be 
what's on the sign on the store and that should not be changed to 
something else just because it happens to be identical to a common 
misspelling of a certain brand name.

Both maintining a list of tagged brands and making mechanical edits in 
case of brand name changes or widespread typos make sense for brand 
tags IMO but not for name.

Christoph Hormann

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