On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Nathan Mills <nat...@nwacg.net> wrote:

> I can't speak to this specific instance, but based on Paul's usual
> criteria, I'd take what he has to say on the topic with a grain of salt. I
> gave up trying to convince him OK11 between I-244 and US-75 in Tulsa should
> be tagged as a motorway a long time ago, even though it has zero at grade
> intersections.

Actually, you're right about the OK 11 case, not sure what I was on about
with that one.  I think we're on the same page with the Gilcrease
Expressway west of that location.

> I also think the LL Tisdale between downtown and Pine should be classified
> motorway, but that one is at least arguable to my mind since it is very
> short and has only three interchanges, one of which is directional.

Pine seems a bit arbitrary on that one, if I were to make the cut, I'd
probably do that at  Apache, but either way; I'm leaning towards trunk on
that one since it's barely even long enough to get up to speed (and even
then, from experience, so long as you're in a car and not in or stuck
behind a bus or something that would fall under "goods" or "hgv" thanks to
the south side of Gilcrease Hill making it deceptively steep uphill both
ways) in either direction before you're on the brakes for the yield signs
and unusually sharp ramps at the south end and the signalized junctions at
the north end.
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