Clifford Snow <> writes:

> Unfortunately those trained in nautical matters is quite small. Most are
> like me, a dock is something you walk out on from the shore. In some parts
> of the country the docks are removed in the winter others are there
> permanently.

Agreed that this is 99.9% of the usage.

> Not sure how we fix iD. Should searching for dock in US_en default to
> man_made=pier and a search for drydock result in man_made=dock?

Probably yes.  I suspect something where one is presented with tagging
choices that have locale-specific hints is probably best, something

   man_made=pier (a place where you walk, adjacent to a boat in the water)
   waterway=dock (a place where a boat goes, often adjacent to a pier)

and then the "translation" of the hint can really be the right text for
that locale to explain the tag codepoint.

Arguably searching for dock leading to only man_made=pier is best,
because the people who know about the strict usage of pier vs dock are
not the ones who need help; it's the other 99.9%.

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