
On 03/23/2016 08:19 AM, maning sambale wrote:
> I'm aware that redaction is only for DWG dedicated accounts.  What's
> the best practice/criteria for redaction?

Edits that are *reverted* will stop showing on everything that is based
on the current version of our data (map, search, routing, editors etc)
and they will also not be findable with search engines.

But they can still be retrieved through (a) requesting the object
history from the API, (b) downloading a (current) full history planet
file, (c) downloading an older planet snapshot or planet history file,
(d) requesting the history from downstream services that store it (I
believe Overpass is such a service).

Edits that are *redacted* (note: only non-current versions of an object
can be redacted) will be suppressed by the API and hence vanish from the
methods (a) and (b) mentioned above; they will still be accessible by
the methods (c) and (d) because we don't retroactively change old planet
files that might have contained a problematic edit.

We will usually consider redaction if someone has uploaded content that
should remain secret (eg the location of a shelter for victims of
domestic abuse), is grossly offensive, or constitutes a large and
obvious violation of someone else's copyright.

On minor copyright violations (user uploads 10 houses with
source=Google, we tell him that's not allowed, he says sorry and deletes
the houses again) we usually don't bother with a redaction, although if
the copyright holder were to complain we would have to execute one. (If
a copyright holder were to really really complain we'd even have to
remove old planet files and old history planets that contain the
problematic data from our servers but this hasn't happened yet.[*])

Redactions are more of a last resort and not a routine tool; they make
working with the data more difficult hence we try to avoid them when not


[*] There was one incident long, long ago where several old planet files
were re-written to leave out a large amount of data for a Baltic country
that had been illegaly imported.

Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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