On Monday 02 January 2017, Christian Quest wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce a new version for the "french style" tiles...
> running on a brand new server donated by OVH.com

Very nice.

> Main new things compared to the international style:
> - tidal=* rendering

I am somewhat confused about the tagging scheme you render here - is 
that documented somewhere?  Your water areas query:

(SELECT ST_Snaptogrid(way,!pixel_width!/4) as way,
  coalesce(tags->'name:fr',tags->'int_name',name) as name, 
  tags->'basin' as basin, water, surface 
FROM planet_osm_polygon 
  waterway in ('dock','mill_pond','riverbank','canal') or 
  landuse in ('reservoir','water','basin','salt_pond') or 
  \"natural\" in ('lake','water','land','glacier','mud','bayx') or 
  amenity='fountain' or water='tidal') 
  and building is null and way_area > !pixel_width!*!pixel_height!*10 
and way && !bbox!  ORDER BY z_order,way_area desc) as water_areas

indicates you render any water area as well as any area tagged 
water=tidal no matter what the primary tag is that has surface=rocky 
with the rock pattern overlay.  IMO this is not such a good idea 
because it does not really encourage correct tagging - mappers can use 
invalid primary tags (like natural=foo + water=tidal + surface=rocky) 
or use nonsense combinations (like natural=mud + surface=rocky) without 
the map indicating the mistake.  Also the most common tag for 
indicating tidal features is tidal=yes and not water=tidal.

You do not seem to render natural=shoal and wetland=tidalflat which are 
the dominant ways of mapping tidal areas at the moment (though 
admittingly wetland=tidalflat does not really make much sense for rocky 
tidal areas which are usually not flat).

Christoph Hormann

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