
Thanks to some further input (special thanks to Mikel!) and a boring
afternoon, that wiki page is now a bit more than an outline:


Really interesting questions. I hope the page can grow to fit your needs.

My perspective is probably quite a bit different from yours, and still very
similar. Most of OSM interest in government, is where gov -does- have good
data, so there we face different problems. But when I think of the city
government in Belgium I work, we have e.g. ages old cycle path data. Don't
worry, we'll just start all over again and make a new data island. This
time for sure, we'll be able to keep it up to date.

So in a context where the government itself has no great data, development
work has a problem quite similar to mappers in developed countries.
How to build the tools that allow gov to have a feeling of control over
data quality?
Of course we should try and convince them this is a false question.
But failing that, I think it could work like this:

- do a one-off validation of OSM data (e.g. use the tasking manager to
check all the cycleways)
- export it to your own "authoritative database" and let it rest
- when you know reality change, update directly in OSM. Or don't, and
depend on the crowd.
- after some time has passed, make a new extract of the OSM data, and
compare old to new situation. This should be relatively easy to achieve, as
the data model would be identical. Highlight changes, and do a manual
review of special cases. If fixes necessary, do so in OSM. When ready, make
a new export.

The disadvantage is that as a government agency, you can only guarantee OSM
quality at the validation times. The advantage is that you always have an
"authentic truth" dataset at the ready, with a relatively low effort.

2017-02-06 13:45 GMT+01:00 Robert Banick <rban...@gmail.com>:

> Really interesting conversation and tips here. My team
> <http://opendri.org/> at the GFDRR <https://www.gfdrr.org/> has been
> tiptoeing in this direction for a while. To date we’ve mostly been involved
> in one-off data creation projects that demonstrate OSM’s value the
> governments we work with and get them to produce non-sensitive data in the
> open they would otherwise make privately (then probably misplace within a
> few years, leaving only final report PDFs in their wake). Projects like
> this
> <https://opendri.org/sri-lanka-opendri-team-finishes-exposure-mapping-in-gampaha-district/>
> and this <https://opendri.org/how-are-the-maps-being-used-in-the-wards/>.
> We’re not blind to the fact that this is imperfect and less than
> sustainable. So we’re looking at the examples you all list for good (and
> bad) ways to institutionalize this work and make it standard practice
> instead of one-time.
> We’re also interested in funding the creation of better software tools to
> make it easier for governments to do these tasks, particularly for
> government IT staff that may not be on the cutting edge of technology
> practices even within their own country, let alone internationally. More
> GUI based ways to visualize changes and perform quality control, or see
> multiple departments’ inputs on a single set of nodes in OSM.
> Are there any specialized tools you all have seen used for these purposes?
> Can we capture some of the scripts / etc. published by model cities/govs on
> the wiki page? Thanks for setting that up joost!
> Robert

Joost Schouppe
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