Hi Yuri,

Am 16.10.2017 um 16:02 schrieb Yuri Astrakhan:
> Rory, most of those queries were copied from the current JOSM validator
> autofixes.  I don't think they were discussed, but they might have been
> mass applied without much thought by all sorts of editors.

Could you please give examples for (a) the mass appliance of these rules
and (b) rules which have not been discussed but should have been discussed?
> There are two ways to use the tool - you can write your own query, run it,
> and fix whatever it is you want to fix. That's the power user mode -
> anything goes, no different from JOSM or Level0. And there is another one -
> where you go to osm wiki, read the instructions, find the task you may want
> to work on, and go at it.   The community reviews wiki content, tags
> different pages with different explanation or warning boxes, etc. The
> discussion could still be on the forum, or here, or in IRC, ....

Just for future readers: IRC and Telegram channels are no replacement
for a mailing list or a forum with a public readable archive where you
can look up the discussions years later.

Best regards


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