Thanks for sharing the idea of reporting problems like graffiti using
coordinates. For some reason this idea never crossed my mind until I read
your email. This would have been useful for me on one occasion in
particular when I was trying to describe the location of graffiti in a
public park. I can think of other types of situations where coordinates
would be more useful than saying something like "200 feet north of the iron
statue and on the west side of the gatehouse, above a path that goes to the

( )

On Sat, Aug 25, 2018 at 10:06 PM john whelan <> wrote:

> It sounds an odd combination but locally you can report Graffiti to the
> municipality and they arrange for it to be cleaned up by the phone company,
> electric company etc.
> The targeted electric boxes are often at the back of houses or on
> stretches of highway that have no houses which means describing exactly
> where they are becomes problematical.  200 meters south of the X Y junction
> on the north side of the highway.
> When reporting I use JOSM to pick up the street name from OSM then cut and
> paste it into the Web form.  I invariably make mistakes when trying to type
> in names such as Bottriell Way.
> So to make this work the municipality and the phone company etc. have to
> be able to recognise the OLC codes.  I probably need to add the boxes as a
> node into OSM initially just those that have Graffiti, some particular ones
> are more frequently covered than others.
> They may have to be transcribed, so do OLC codes incorporate a check digit?
> Anyone have any experience with working with municipalities and phone
> companies etc in this way?  Yes Lat and Long would work but might be
> confusing to people who have to work with them, again check digits would
> avoid transcription errors.
> I also need something to generate an OLC code when using JOSM.  I could
> use OSMand but its difficult to cut and paste from one device to another.
> Inspiration anyone?
> Thanks John
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