(Note:  since this is a tagging question this is in a way the wrong 

On Friday 31 August 2018, Tomasz Wc3b3jcik wrote:
> As we map different physical landcovers by eg. landuse=grass,
> landuse=forest, natural=sand, natural=water etc. There is
> theoretically no tag for urban areas covered by little stones like on
> this photo:
> ]...]

Urban area mapping in OSM is primarily functional - in case of your 
example: If this is a walkable area (likely since it is easily 
accessible and there are no signs forbidding it apparently) it would 
probably be highway=pedestrian + surface=gravel/pebbles.

If it is not walkable it would be more like a japanese rock garden so 
you could use leisure=garden + garden:style=rock_garden.

What you are suggesting here is essentially like the old mapping for the 
renderer habit of tagging sand bunkers on golf courses natural=beach.  
It would degrade the quality of the data of what is tagged 
natural=shingle which fortunately at the moment is pretty good (since 
it is a relatively young tag documented precisely from the beginning 
and rendered in a way that supports correct use).  So no, i would be 
strongly against extending natural=shingle to urban areas artificially 
covered with loose stones based on a physical similarity.

Christoph Hormann

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