Sep 30, 2022, 14:08 by

> Hi,
> On 30.09.22 13:36, Frederik Ramm wrote:
>> You can't have people vote on one thing and then do something else.
> It occurs to me that this is what usually happens in politics. Still, we 
> should aim to be better ;)
And to be clear: my intention was NOT to mislead people and I am really sorry
if I was insufficiently clear in any part.

Not entirely sure what should be done differently. Maybe initial 
mistake was not making clear that ceasing to display wikidata link
makes this parameter defunct and that it should be removed?

It was titled "remove link to Wikidata from infoboxes" and had
"this proposal will not result in a data loss, as everything in OSM Wiki
was synchronized to data items" and 
"wikidata parameter in infoboxes on wiki pages would become inactive"
and so on.

But now I see that for many people implication may be not obvious :(
That it implies that this parameter would become removable as
dead and inactive.

That is quite sad as I put a lot of effort into attempt to make this
proposal clear. And I see that it had a major failure. Sorry for that.


To clarify situation:
When proposal was made all data was synchronise with data items.
Anyone using wikidata links for any purpose still have access to them
and if this data was useful at all they can continue to use them.


But making second large scale edit to add back defunct parameter
that is no longer present in the infobox does not seem to be a good idea.

Especially as this wiki bot edit followed stricter standards than actually 
as required.


And it is even more irritating as I am one of few people actually following 
rules for bot edits.

Basically all bot edits and imports operate under "hopefully noone will 
revert this, so lets ignore rules and just do it". Or at least some rules.

And I actually put quite a lot of effort into doing what is required by rules
so it is a bit irritating to run into this.

- and it is not like I made 1/3 of all automated edits in OSM!)

And on Wiki many automated edits were running without even asking 
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