My local chapter of OSM is in the USA (OSM-US), but yes, I think you (all) are 
on the right approach here:  the "Australia / Oceania Chapter" (I think it is, 
or is called) as a semi-formal sub-community within OSM, or even an "official" 
chapter, is the "first stop" along the way of this sort of "thread the legal 
needle" here, then it might go to the Foundation (LWG, Legal Working Group, I 
believe) as a "they'll figure it out" last stop, perhaps.

So, now at the regional level, maybe at the "global, legal" level (the 
Foundation's LWG) if not fully "resolved" at the regional / Oceania level.

Sorry to be a bit hazy, but it should come into better focus soon; somewhere 
around there, it WILL get resolved.
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