Have you noticed that many people who "switch roles", especially Argentinos,
don't actually switch lead and follow. The man is still leading but doing
followers steps and leading the leader's steps.

It's the same thing that makes many men difficult to lead. They seem to
think they need to "know and do" the followers steps, rather than being lead
to do them.

Best regards,


Tara Design, Inc.
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> From: Lois Donnay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 09:15:29 -0500
> To: Tango-L <tango-l@mit.edu>
> Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Switching roles
> Although the milongas in BsAs are called "gay milongas", the majority of
> people who go there are not gay. They are mostly young, they are all kinds
> of people, foreigners and porteno's, and women are just as likely to lead
> men as men lead men or women lead women.
> I saw a lovely performance once at Club Espanol by an older couple.
> Somewhere in the middle, almost imperceptibly, they changed roles. A little
> later they changed back again. It was beautiful, and the crowd loved it.
> Loisa
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Tango-L" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 12:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Switching roles
>> Really? And which milongas in BsAs accept switching roles? I can only
>> recall
>> La Marshall - and that's because it's a gay milonga.
>> Keith, HK
>> On Tue Sep 11 23:42 , "Lois Donnay"  sent:
>>> After my Following for Leaders class last night, the men sat around
>>> talking.
>>> One question came up. We know there are milongas in Buenos Aires where
>>> switching roles is acceptable. Are there any other communities in the
>>> world
>>> where men are free to dance with men, women with women, etc? Are the
>>> milongas billed specially or is this acceptable in regular milongas?
>>> We also lamented the lack of male teachers who can follow, and the number
>>> of
>>> men who teach on the floor. Ladies, when you pick teachers or listen to
>>> your
>>> leaders, do you take into consideration whether they can follow?
>>> Loisa Donnay (adding the "a" in preparation for BsAs)
>>> Minneapolis, MN
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