I wouild have to agree with Shahrukh. I must admit,  during the year that I
spent in BsAs, i only went to Viruta 3-4 times. I never even considered it a
milonga, i always used to refer to it a s a night club - a pick up joint
that happens to play tango music.

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Shahrukh Merchant <
shahr...@shahrukhmerchant.com> wrote:

> ECSEDY ?ron <a...@milonga.hu> says:
> > I see there is still this misconcept about nuevo being irregular, using
> > large moves and causing greef to regular dancers. Well that is a
> > misconcept fueled by ignorance. Just check out La Viruta any time
> > outside the general 'tourist period' and you'll see that while most of
> > the people are nuevo dancers, they are pretty much able to navigate
> > without problems, collisions in a lot denser crowd than anywhere else on
> > the planet.
> La Viruta??!!! Surely you jest. If you want to dispel the myth that
> Argentines have this magic "Tango navigation gene" as some (not recent)
> posts have suggested, La Viruta is the place to do it: the worst
> possible navigators on the planet. Oh, but just for the record, not
> because they are doing "nuevo" per se (even though they are mostly young
> dancers, largely Argentine) but because they are mostly beginners
> dancing the trademark La Viruta style of looking down at their feet
> instead of where they are going. In fact I would sometimes mutter,
> "Viruteros" when such a couple (at a different milonga) would bump into
> me (or into my protectively outstretched arm) after the man took 2 back
> steps in a row against line of dance without looking. And I'd generally
> get a knowing nod and smile from my partner.
> I stopped going to La Viruta in large part because of this
> "bump-a-tanguero" phenomenon (the dancers there are good natured, I will
> say, so couples who bump into each other smile rather than glare at each
> other), so I don't have recent experience: perhaps all the good
> navigators were merely waiting for me to leave before they started going
> there? :-)
> Shahrukh
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