Sergio is quite right about various ways of leading.  But the 
pleasantness/unpleasantness of the sensation and whether it is appropriate or 
not is best gauged by the woman.  For example, a woman who moves like a piece 
of furniture might like a right hand lead.  A woman who moves like an Italian 
sports car would not like such a move.

For some older milongueras, Sean describes having to lead them as if they had 
buttons on their back.  Push this button, and they do back ochos.  Pushing 
another produces a forward ocho.  It was not how he liked to dance.

If you're thinking of using this lead, then I'd ask what message would you like 
to be sending your partners?  And would you encourage them to grow?  For quite 
some time, followers from a neighboring city would rave about some guy who had 
moved there.  One night he finally came to Pittsburgh.  Let's say the women 
here were quite unimpressed with what felt to us was manhandling.  Word is that 
he left disappointed that we didn't go gaga over him.

Trini de Pittsburgh

--- On Mon, 11/22/10, Sergio Vandekier <> wrote:

"He was saying that leading with the chest is a later invention and that old 
milongeros used the right hand lead." Anyone else is familiar with that?
Tango has many techniques as it is a complex dance that has many different 
The technique you use depends on the training you had and the style of tango 
you wish to dance.
Most great dancers of the forties and fifties danced leading using the whole 
body.  The right hand always played a big role in leading. There is absolutely 
nothing unpleasant about it, assuming that you know how to lead.
The lead is extemely subtle, only perceived by the woman, never seen or noticed 
from outside the couple.  The lead could be (like anything else) unpleasant if 
you do not know how to lead properly.

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