On Sat, Jan 27, 2007 at 11:55:54AM +0700, Anas Muzakir wrote:
> Hello all,
> butuh pencerahan :D ...
> gimana caranya agar wvdial otomatis menginsert/merubah isi
> /etc/resolv.conf berdasarkan info DNS yg didapat dari ISP
> selama ini saya insert manual

Baca manual pppd, disebutkan:

              Ask  the  peer  for  up  to  2  DNS  server  addresses.  The
              addresses supplied by the peer (if any) are  passed  to  the
              /etc/ppp/ip-up  script in the environment variables DNS1 and
              DNS2, and the environment variable USEPEERDNS will be set to
              1.   In  addition,  pppd will create an /etc/ppp/resolv.conf
              file  containing  one  or  two  nameserver  lines  with  the
              address(es) supplied by the peer.

$ pwd

$ ls
wvdial  wvdial-pipe

$ cat wvdial
name wvdial


Terimakasih sebelumnya.


~~ Arief Yudhawarman ~~

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