Hi Michael!

> I don't know why, but how do you have your PGP/GPG set up to use with
> TB! ?
> You are the only one that is automatically verified. Every time I get
> a message from you, Martin, it has the little check mark GREEN on the
> right hand side of the message header area. Right next to your rogue
> pic.
> Everyone else, including myself, I have to click the box and PGP
> comes up with the Verification History with the good sig or bad sig.
> And then the little box has the green check or the red X.
> It is only yours that I don't have to do anything. Just curious how
> you have it set up.
> Thanks...

That's because I don't use PGP for automatic signing. I use S/MIME. These
signatures can be verified by TB when checking them against the root
certificates from the address book.

PGP keys are not being verified automaticly, you have to do this yourself
by clicking on them.



The Bat! v3.5.0.31 powered by Windows 2003 5.2 Build 3790 Service Pack 1

ConCarne cooks best since 1998

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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