Hello All,

The Bat! 3.63.11 (Beta) is now available from:

Here is a short list of changes:
[-]  (#0005396)  "Move up", "Move down", "Move in", "Move out" are not
                 working correctly when moving folders across accounts
[-]  (#0005295)  Button  "Token  editor"  in  "Account  properties" is
                 allways enabled, even does nothing
[-]  (#0005228)  When  importing  certificates in Base64 format, The
                 Bat! didn't ignore trailing space characters.
[-]  (#0005179)  Chars ??? in "Signed message verification report"
[-]  (#0005427)  Invalid   display  of  free  space  percentage  in
                 Backu/Restore dialog
[-]  (#0005207)  Edit  action,  headers,  network dialog and message
                 finder   might  have  wrong  characters  when  using
                 translations to Cyrillic alphabets. 
[-] Unnecessary confirmation on closing message editor
[-] MailTicker didn't work in Voyager.
[-] During the installation it din't ask for OTFE mode (beta issue).
[-] Filters not worked on hardware OTFE
[-] Empty row at the bottom of the header editor



 Current beta is 3.63.09 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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