Hello MAU,

On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 10:50:57 +0200 GMT (19/08/2008, 15:50 +0700 GMT),
MAU wrote:

>>>> [*] glyphs for trash in folder tree replaced
>>> Ugly! Why not use the one used for 'Delete' in message menus?
>> delete one message and You will see garbage in trash :-)

M> Yes, I've seen it. But that's not new, previous version(s) did the same.

M> Anyway, I think it's ugly. If you saw the icon just by itself, not in 
M> the folder tree and with the word 'Trash' next to it, would you 
M> undoubtedly recognise it as a trash bin or waste basket? 

Check out the new one in the latest beta (.4).

I cannot believe we are discussing trash folder glyphs! If this is an
issue worth discussing, let's release this thing before anybody comes
up with a serious problem!



My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he
was God and I didn't.

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