Hello, tbtech.

I understand that testing is more the subj of TBBETA, but this very subject is
quite specific and I want to send it here...

I am trying to make a usable regular expression's editor for newbies, and I need
your advices and notes.

For the moment I just realized regular expression's debugger and made it
possibly to be invoked by a macro "%RegexEd" - so, it is possible to create a
quick template which will call this macro and make possible to debug your
regexp. However I am not a guru in regexps - and some parts of this debugger may
need to be debugged themselves - namely the treeview (a resizable pane which
is shown in debugger by pressing "tree" button, and which shows the regexp
parsing tree).

Could you try to edit some regexps using this tool and report me about your
wishes and bugs? You can do it either directly (by private mail), either using
the bugtrack.

The 0.6.1 version of BayesIt you can download here:
[ http://www.ritlabs.com/download/bayesit/bayesit061.rar ]
(this plugin works also under The Bat! 2.1x versions).


Sincerely, Alexey.
Using TB 3.0 on WinXP Pro SP2 (2600), spelling by ORFO2002 (CSAPI) 
..with Kaspersky Antivirus Plugin (ver 3.5 Gold) & antispam filter BayesIt! 0.6.01



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