Hi Olivier,


Is your system hanging or resetting after:


                   TBOOT: executing GETSEC[SENTER]...


I've experienced very similar issues with a large quantity of Getac laptops,
TBOOT, and RHEL.  I don't see it in your log output, but check your
TXT.ERRORCODE register value, and use Intel's error code mappings to gain
more information. I believe this is proved in the zips from their website
when downloading a SINIT ACM.


In my case, I consistently saw errors related to an invalid bootguard
profile.  After much debugging and communications with Getac, the issue
turned out to be in firmware/hardware, and all laptops needed to be shipped
back and repaired by Getac.


Also, I don't see it mentioned often online and in various resources, but it
should be noted that LCP and VLP are optional features.  The errors in
txt-stat output relating to failure to read VLP/LCP from NVRAM are by no
means fatal.  In fact, even in your log output, you can see: ".failed to
read policy from TPM NV, using default.", and below that, it probably says
something like: "..policy_type: TB_POLTYPE_CONT_NON_FATAL".


That of course isn't to say LCP/VLP are not useful features, but they are
optional, and if you are for instance only intending to do remote
attestation you may not even need them depending on how your system is
designed.  You can still TBOOT, create attestation keys, generate quotes,
attest remotely to a verifier, and other things without ever using LCP/VLP.
My point here is that I think it is unlikely that the LCP is the source of
your issue.




From: LE ROY Olivier - Contractor <olivier.le...@external.thalesgroup.com> 
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 5:29 AM
To: tboot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: EXTERNAL: [tboot-devel] "no LCP module found" on Getac X500 G3


I have a Getac X500 G3 that I am trying to get TBOOT working on under a
CentOS 7.7 OS with TBOOT 1.9.11. The TBOOT startup, without any policy,
looks as follows:

TBOOT: CPU is SMX-capable
TBOOT: SMX is enabled
TBOOT: TXT chipset and all needed capabilities present
TBOOT: *********************** TBOOT ***********************
TBOOT:    2019-11-25 16:00 +0200 1.9.11
TBOOT: *****************************************************
TBOOT: command line: extpol=sha256 logging=serial,memory
TBOOT: TXT chipset and all needed capabilities present
TBOOT: checking if module  is an SINIT for this platform...
TBOOT:      ACM info_table version mismatch (6)
TBOOT: chipset production fused: 1
TBOOT: chipset ids: vendor: 0x8086, device: 0xb006, revision: 0x1
TBOOT: processor family/model/stepping: 0x906e9
TBOOT: platform id: 0x14000000000000
TBOOT:      1 ACM chipset id entries:
TBOOT:          vendor: 0x8086, device: 0xb006, flags: 0x1, revision: 0x1,
extended: 0x0
TBOOT:      4 ACM processor id entries:
TBOOT:          fms: 0x406e0, fms_mask: 0xfff3ff0, platform_id: 0x0,
platform_mask: 0x0
TBOOT:          fms: 0x506e0, fms_mask: 0xfff3ff0, platform_id: 0x0,
platform_mask: 0x0
TBOOT:          fms: 0x806e0, fms_mask: 0xfff3ff0, platform_id: 0x0,
platform_mask: 0x0
TBOOT:          fms: 0x906e0, fms_mask: 0xfff3ff0, platform_id: 0x0,
platform_mask: 0x0
TBOOT: SINIT matches platform
TBOOT: AC mod base alignment OK
TBOOT: AC mod size OK

TBOOT: reading Verified Launch Policy from TPM NV...
TBOOT: TPM: fail to get public data of 0x01200001 in TPM NV
TBOOT:     :reading failed
TBOOT: reading Launch Control Policy from TPM NV...
TBOOT: TPM: fail to get public data of 0x01400001 in TPM NV
TBOOT:     :reading failed
TBOOT: failed to read policy from TPM NV, using default
TBOOT: policy:
TBOOT: executing GETSEC[SENTER]...


I tried to implement a LCP @ 0x01400001 and a VLP @ 0x01200001. These 2
policies were known to work on same OS but different platform (Supermicro).

For LCP, I have the following error:

reading Launch Control Policy from TPM NV...
TBOOT:     :70 bytes read
TBOOT: in unwrap_lcp_policy
TBOOT: no LCP module found
TBOOT:     :reading failed
TBOOT: failed to read policy from TPM NV, using default
TBOOT: policy:


I tried to implement the LCP @ 0x01800001, but without success, for this
index is locked. I.e.: tpm2_nvlist

  hash algorithm:
    friendly: sha256
    value: 0xB
    value: 0x42C0462
  size: 70
  authorization policy:

  hash algorithm:
    friendly: sha256
    value: 0xB
    value: 0x8440462
  size: 104
  authorization policy:

  hash algorithm:
    friendly: sha256
    value: 0xB
    friendly: authwrite|policydelete|authread|no_da|written|platformcreate
    value: 0x4040462
  size: 8
  authorization policy:

  hash algorithm:
    friendly: sha256
    value: 0xB
    value: 0x1100F62
  size: 991

  hash algorithm:
    friendly: sha256
    value: 0xB
    value: 0x1100F62
  size: 788


My LCP is created the following manner:


        tpm2_nvdefine -x 0x01400001 -a 0x40000001 -s 70 -t 0x204000a -P
        lcp2_mlehash --create --alg sha256 --cmdline "extpol=sha256
logging=serial,memory" /boot/tboot.gz > mle_hash
        lcp2_crtpolelt --create --type mle --alg sha256 --ctrl 0x00 --minver
0 --out mle.elt mle_hash
        lcp2_crtpollist --create --out list_unsig.lst mle.elt
        lcp2_crtpol --create --type list --pol list.pol --alg sha256 --sign
0x0A --ctrl 0x00 --data list.data list_unsig.lst
        tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x01400001 -a 0x40000001 -P $TPM_OWNER_PASSWORD
        cp -f list.data /boot/


Any idea why this LCP, which consists in just an mle element, could be
functional on a platform and not on another?


Cordialement / regards,

Olivier le Roy (contractor)

HW - SW development engineer
Thales LAS France

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