
txt-acminfo 5th_gen_i5_i7_SINIT_79.BIN

segfaults on my system:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
does_acmod_match_platform (hdr=hdr@entry=0x7ffff7fc3000) at 
590         txt_heap_t *txt_heap = get_txt_heap();
(gdb) bt
#0  does_acmod_match_platform (hdr=hdr@entry=0x7ffff7fc3000) at 
#1  0x00005555555552de in match_platform (hdr=0x7ffff7fc3000) at 
#2  main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at txt-acminfo.c:244
(gdb) x/4i $rip
=> 0x555555556612 <does_acmod_match_platform+50>:      movabs 0xfed30300,%rax
   0x55555555661c <does_acmod_match_platform+60>: cmpb   $0x4,0x11(%rbp)
   0x555555556620 <does_acmod_match_platform+64>: jbe    0x555555556660 
   0x555555556622 <does_acmod_match_platform+66>: cmpl   $0x5,0x8(%rax)

It seems heap.h defines get_txt_heap() that refers to the real read_pub_config_reg() before it is #define'd later. After I fixed this I noticed that does_acmod_match_platform() then segfaults when it tries to dereference the pointer returned by get_txt_heap().

I guess txt-acminfo should mmap() TXT heap? Should we then modify get_txt_heap() to behave differently depending on the context or perhaps modify does_acmod_match_platform() to take a pointer to the TXT heap as an argument to avoid this?


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