On 6/11/2022 1:41 PM, Timo Lindfors wrote:
On Sat, 11 Jun 2022, Tony Camuso wrote:
OK, so something is going wrong with the information that tboot is
forwarding to the kernel launch.

On the efi system, with "noefi" removed from the grub command line,
the system boots.

With "noefi" in the grub command line, Device Mapper cannot find
the root and swap devices and drops to the dracut prompt.

How can I determine what info efi is providing that tboot is not?

Where can I instrument the code to gain that visibility?

I'm not too familiar with dracut but I'd imagine you can unpack the initramfs 
and investigate how it works. It might be easiest to spawn a shell at some 

Can you reproduce the problem if you do a fresh install? What distribution is 
this? If you have easy steps to reproduce this I can try to take a look. I'm 
normally on Debian so will need good instructions for other distros :)


I'm using a RHEL-8.5 based on 5.14 kernel. CentOS 8.5 is the same thing.

You can probably reproduce it on a debian system with storage configured
as VROC RAID. You will need a motherboard and intel cpu that can implement

lenovo-st250v2 is the platform I'm using to reproduce the problem.


RAID info

# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid0]
md126 : active raid0 sda[1] sdb[0]
      1855842304 blocks super external:/md127/0 128k chunks
md127 : inactive sda[1](S) sdb[0](S)
      10402 blocks super external:imsm
unused devices: <none>

# cat /etc/mdadm.conf
# mdadm.conf written out by anaconda
AUTO +imsm +1.x -all
ARRAY /dev/md/Volume0_0 UUID=8061c4cf:06de8a59:a9eefb7e:3edb011a
ARRAY /dev/md/imsm UUID=549c2ba4:1e03463b:d429e75b:398c67a3

Physical Volume, Volume Group, and Logical Volume info
# pvs
  PV           VG                     Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree
  /dev/md126p3 rhel_lenovo-st250v2-02 lvm2 a--  <1.73t    0

# vgs
  VG                     #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree
  rhel_lenovo-st250v2-02   1   4   0 wz--n- <1.73t    0

# lvs
  LV   VG                     Attr       LSize
  home rhel_lenovo-st250v2-02 -wi-ao---- 500.00g
  root rhel_lenovo-st250v2-02 -wi-ao----  70.00g
  swap rhel_lenovo-st250v2-02 -wi-ao----  31.47g
  work rhel_lenovo-st250v2-02 -wi-ao----  <1.14t

By the time initramfs is running, it's too late, since the Device Mapper
cannot find the logical volumes.

*   NOTE    *
There are differences in the memmap that tboot hands off to the initramfs
with and without the "noefi" directive.

Failed with "noefi"
TBOOT: get_highest_sized_ram: size 14e99600 -> base 62585000, size 24949000
  :                                                 ^^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^
TBOOT:  /swap console=ttyS0,115200N81 intel_iommu=on noefi
TBOOT: EFI memmap: memmap base: 0x69808, memmap size: 0x14a0
                                ^^^^^^^               ^^^^^^

Successful boot with efi
TBOOT: get_highest_sized_ram: size 14e99600 -> base 62045000 size 24789000
  :                                                 ^^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^
TBOOT:  /swap console=ttyS0,115200N81 intel_iommu=on
TBOOT: EFI memmap: memmap base: 0x69808, memmap size: 0x1b00
                                ^^^^^^^               ^^^^^^

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