Is there a way to disable periodic checking for all e-mail accounts in TheBat 
Version 9 without starting the program?
Similarly, a way to set the "ignore check all accounts" flag for every account 
before starting the program or even afterwards providing I can disable periodic 
checking first.

These are in the "Options" of the Properties for each e-mail account. I presume 
these are in the individual "account" files, but which file extension is it?

I am contemplating restoring a backup made on my first PC to my second PC, but 
I don't want that second PC to start retrieving any mail when the restore 
finishes unless I do it myself manually for specific e-mail accounts.

My other option is to do a new installation of TheBat (it is a different 
version from that on my first PC) and then start adding a few new e-mail 
accounts that do not exist on the first PC) one at a time and copy the common 
filters from the first PC.


Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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