Hello TBUDL,

I have been using TB! for many years (12+), but have been holding off
upgrading to Version 5 because of the various problems that I have
seen reported here and on TBBETA, particularly with IMAP. I have 9
IMAP accounts, including a GMail account, so I was worried about how
well v5 would work. I thought that those of you who have similar
concerns about v5 might be interested in the results.

With the latest new version notification (5.0.30) I decided to take
the plunge. I have been very pleased with the results. Everything
continued to work as it should and the differences that I have found
so far have been positive rather than negative. In fact, there are few
obvious differences in my normal use of the software - it looks and
operates almost exactly the same way.

So, if you are holding off on an upgrade because you are afraid that
TB! v5 will not be as good as your current version, my experience is
that the upgrade is painless. If you are expecting a new look and feel to
the software, then v5 is probably not for you, however!


Best regards,
 Julian                          mailto:jb_lists...@trink.co.uk

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