Hello Winchmore,

Thursday, October 11, 2012, 8:08:24 PM, you wrote:

W11> I really like the new directory search box that comes up when I
W11> copy/move a message to a folder, but I've encountered a problem when I
W11> have multiple folders of the same name (or the first x characters):

W11> The search will find the first occurrence of the folder name, but I
W11> don't know how to move on to the next occurrence if that's not the one
W11> I want. 

W11> Does anyone know of a way round this?

I see what you mean. I just tried to copy this message to Inbox, and
it went to one. And that's it. I don't see a way to jump to the next

Most folders have different names though, so this is a special case.
Room for improvement, sure, but what we have is better than before
when we had nothing of the kind.




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