On 9/10/2016 11:05 AM, Gene Kearns wrote:
Hello Tbudl,

   Does  anybody  have any idea how to make a zombie email go
   away?  If  deleted in The Bat! it reappears. It has been deleted from
   the server, yet, still reappears. Help!

This issue came up in the past; this is what I found about it:

/Post by Tony Hoare/ <http://tbudl.thebat.dutaint.narkive.com/H7HJXkoE/orphan-email#post4>
Sorry for the delay...
I meant to empty the cache for the folder. Right Click on the folder,
IMAP-Specific tab, Clear Cache Now. The cache will be reloaded from
the server.
Ctrl-R on the folder should refresh the folder or virtual
folder. Alternatively, Right-Click, Refresh.
I did do those things without the wanted result, but finally managed
to get rid of that email. I looked in IMAP folder management and
found that the tbb file was 55 kb, and found that size file in App
Data. Deleted it, but kept it in Recycle Bin until I confirmed that I didn't delete
the wrong file. That worked! Thanks for the suggestions.


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 http://fastmail.newsbeans.co     --http://fija.org

 Using The Bat! v7.1.18 on Windows 6.3 Build 9600

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