
On Wednesday 12 April 2017 at 1:02:57 PM, in
<mid:114032672.20170412140...@boudicca.de>, Goos wrote:-

> The main issue for me is, that it is not
> understandable how it works,
> what exactly to do to get it working, and that it
> does not work intuitive
> or even already is implemented in The Bat.
> You've really to dive in it.

How it works is irrelevant to most people; millions who use mobile
phones have little or no understanding of how they work.

What to do to get it working is the important one. 

The gpg4win README file points you to the installation instructions in
the online gpg4win compendium. Reading on through the compendium, it
gives a step-by-step guide to creating a basic OpenPGP key pair (or
"certificate") using a wizard in the Kleopatra certificate manager.
The subsequent chapters can be read later (although 8.1 about
practising messages to and from the Adele robot is probably useful).

Once you have created a key you can go ahead and start using it to
sign messages you send and to decrypt messages you receive that are
encrypted to it. The Bat!'s help file contains several pages about
OpenPGP, although some go into a confusing amount of detail. You do
not have to use macros or use a different message template unless you
want to; there are checkboxes under Account | Properties | Options to
automate it. And options under the "privacy" menu in the message
editor to over-ride your default settings for the current message.

> Why I need a public
> and a private
> key, 

Search "public key cryptography". 
<https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual.html#CONCEPTS> is a good place to 

> and how to configure things in The Bat to get it
> all working at
> writng and receiving encrypted mails.

Checkboxes under Account | Properties | Options to set your defaults.
And options under the "privacy" menu in the message editor to
over-ride your default settings for the current message.

>           send to the keyserver or your mail partners.
> Again: Keyserver? Which keyserver? Where? What does
> it cost?

The gpg4win compendium says at the bottom of this page
<https://www.gpg4win.org/doc/en/gpg4win-compendium_22.html#id9> that
"If you export your certificate without first having configured an
OpenPGP certificate server, Kleopatra will suggest the default server
hkp://keys.gnupg.net." That's as good as any to begin with; keys
uploaded to one keyserver propogate to most others. There is no cost.

> After I also had made some remarks in Facebook, I've
> got last evening
> a test mail from a guy which included a PGP key. So I
> reinstalled
> temporarily GnuPG but that did not make the mail more
> readable.
> I did not know what to do with that mail first and
> neither had the
> stimulus to find it out.

I would expect clicking the security button The Bat! displays at the
top right of messages that are signed, encrypted, and/or have a key
attached would offer some clues.

> As I wrote before.....
> IF a real step-by step instruction from installing
> onto having sent
> and received enxrypted mail, I may have succeeded.
> For example,
> starting with:
> STEP 1:
> Open your browser and copy/paste this link in it to
> call this site:
>  https://gpg4win.org/download.html
> STEP 2:
> Goto the map on your computer where that file is
> saved and click on it
> to install the program:
> STEP 3:
> While installing your are prompted for .....
> etc. etc. going on to send an encrypted mail to
> someone and receiving
> one where all works.

If you don't think the The Gpg4win Compendium  at 
<https://www.gpg4win.org/doc/en/gpg4win-compendium.html> does a good 
enough job of this, there are mailing lists and web forums listed at 

> Yet, it is al relative...
> For me, working with Adobe Indesign has become easy
> and understandable.
> But in the beginning there was such a step-by-step
> instruction to get
> that program working and an excellent community where
> I could ask
> my 'dummy' beginner questions which were all the time
> friendly and
> easy and instructive answered. That motivated to go on.

Such communities exist for gpg4win, as well as for other GnuPG
packages/frontends, for GnuPG itself, and for OpenPGP in general. This
mailing list is for The Bat! itself, and people here could potentially
have helped you with the TB! side of things. But it was not clear what
you were trying to achieve with templates and macros, nor what you had
tried in your efforts to achieve it.

> OK, further discussion is pointless for me, as I
> removed all GnuPG stuff
> now and am satisfied with VPN.  

I wish you well with that. Hopefully you are aware that using a VPN
addresses a different problem. As far as email is concerned, it will
only offer increased security between your computer and your mail
server; it adds no benefit to the mail at rest on your server, nor in
transit between your server and your correspondents.

Best regards

MFPA                  <mailto:2014-667rhzu3dc-lists-gro...@riseup.net>

Did you hear about the blind carpenter who picked up his hammer and saw?

Using The Bat! v7.4.16 on Windows 10.0 Build 14393  

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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