On 11/19/2017 3:27 PM, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:
> Hello Sam,
> On Sunday, November 19, 2017 you wrote:
> SB> Sunday, November 19, 2017, 12:47:27 PM, Jack wrote:
> JSL>> So, the question is: where do these ads come from since they appear 
> only if I
> JSL>> click on the Chrome icon contained in the message? My assumption is 
> that they're
> JSL>> somehow inserted by TB!, but how? Has my copy of TB! been hacked? If 
> so, why are
> JSL>> all the ads sponsored by POWERINBOX? Coincidence? Has anyone else 
> experienced
> JSL>> this?
> SB> Do you see these ads on every email that comes from Charter or only 
> certain
> SB> emails (like those from these newsletters)?
> SB> Just trying to get a little more information, but what I suspect is this
> SB> has nothing to do with TB!. When you are clicking that Chrome icon you are
> SB> opening the html that was sent from your ISP in Chrome. So if you're 
> seeing
> SB> it there, it's because that's what was sent to you. I believe Charter is
> SB> using this POWERINBOX service to serve you ads. What they show in the
> SB> Charter webmail client can be different from what they send to you when 
> you POP the email.
> I'm beginning to get a glimmer of how all this works and if I'm understanding 
> it
> correctly couldn't the original HTML text file have come from Kim Komando?
> Couldn't she be including the ad text in the HTML she sends out rather than it
> coming from Charter? The ads seem to appear only in anything from Kim 
> Komando. I
> subscribed to several of her newsletters and the ads appear in all of the
> newsletters.
> I wrote a less than laudatory snail mail letter to Kim Komando expressing my
> disgust at being assumed to have only an elementary school education with a 
> room
> temperature IQ. I asked if there was a way to prevent these ads from appearing
> on my screen but never received a reply, email or otherwise. This does not 
> speak
> well for the Komando machine.
> While I have your attention, do you have any idea who Anton Belenki is and why
> he might be sending me the URL to his website in response to my original 
> query?
Are you all aware of the image download manager?  It is under Tools, and
is used to block unwanted garbage images that come in email.  It is
harder to use than Thunderbird's, and I had a real problem with "Live
Intent" marketing used in newsletters such as from MarketWatch.  It
would be a great thing if one could import rules from Thunderbird into
The Bat!  POWERINBOX looks pretty bad; I can't stand being marketed and
tracked via emails, but I get a number of newsletters to keep informed
on things.  Here's what The Bat!'s manager looks like - and I wonder
whether you will see that the source of POWERINBOX is allowed in yours.

Best Regards,
 Lore Galore 
 Using The Bat! v7.1.18 on Windows 6.3 Build 9600 

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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