After  a  bit  of  a hiatus from the luxuries of The Bat/client-side
  mail  I've  come  to  find  a  few  things  changed.   While the new
  interface  for  editing  shortcuts/toolbars/menus  is most certainly
  improved   from   the  way  I  remember  it.  I'm having a couple of
  prolbems with it, however.

  First,  conflicts--is  there no way to tell if there are conflicting
  shortcuts  or  am  I missing something?  Also, there are a few items
  called  "Shortcut  Collection" -- where I'd expected to find all the
  shortcuts   for  the  parent  container,  however  this  isn't  the
  case--there  are shortcuts listed, but by no means all/most of them.
  What's the shortcut collection for?



Remember, no matter where you go, there you are.
The Bat! 3.65.03

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