Wednesday, March 12, 2008, 2:14:39 AM, you wrote:

IAW> G'day,

IAW> How does one specify a dictionary to add words to?

IAW> By default, I have only one choice available, that being SSCEBR.TLX.

IAW> When I check the entire text and a misspelled word is flagged, in the 
IAW> spell checking dialog that comes up I only have the one dictionary in 
IAW> the drop-down list. If I pick the Dictionaries... button there is the 
IAW> USERDIC.TLX dictionary in the list, but words in it are not available 
IAW> in a spell check. Only words in SSCEBR.TLX are considered valid.

IAW> To avoid a situation in the future where a dictionary is updated, I 
IAW> don't want to overwrite and lose words I have previously added.

IAW> How do I get the spell check to use the USERDIC.TLX dictionary?

IAW> Thanks.

Works fine here.

Maybe you have not yet installed the international pack?



 Using The Bat! v4.0.18 on Windows XP
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 because I am not hungry enough to eat six. - Yogi Berra

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