Dear Greg,

@28-Nov-2009, 16:14 -0600 (28-Nov 10:14 PM here) Greg Strong [GS] in said to Marck:

... <snip>
MP>> Also, I can never quite tell when the version number goes up on
MP>> the actual release version.

GS> All you have to do is occasionally browse to the link below:


See - that's where the incompatibility kicks in - "...browse to the
link..." = "Do Something". I said I was getting lazy!!

GS> Granted the sub .4 version is not displayed, but it should give you an
GS> ideal.  :)

It may help a little, but I think I shall have to beseech Max to
extend his script to handle the end user releases as well as the

Cheers --  iviarck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v4.2.13.4 ALPHA on Windows 7 6.1.7600 

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