i downloaded the latest tclblend1.2.5 for jdk1.2 ...
unzipped it in c:\program Files\Tcl\...
this is where i have tcl8.2 ....
i then tried to load it ... in the tclsh ..
% package require java

it gave me the following error

"load tclblend.dll" failed:
couldn't load file "tclblend.dll": invalid argument

i even moved the .dll file to the lib directory ...
in this case case it gave me the following error 
"load c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib/tclblend/tclblend.dll" failed:
 couldn't load file "C:\Program Files\Tcl\lib\tclblend\tclblend.dll":
invalid argument

now what ... i am using jdk1.2 installed in 
c:\Program Files\jdk1.2
i am using Tcl/Tk 8.2 for Windows, Binary Distribution

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