>On Tue, 23 May 2000, Larry W. Virden wrote:
>> Unfortunately, I'm still Java-deficit so I am uncertain what you mean
>> when you say "Try opening another .jar file".
>Just open the tcljava.jar file that was created in the build directory.
>A Jar file is nothing more than a .zip file with a new extension.

I'm sorry to subject the rest of the mailing list to my ignorance...
Is there perhaps a 'how to experiment with TclJava when you know nothing'
type document out there?

Anyways - what do you mean "Just open the tcljava.jar file"?  Do you mean
just type in 

open "tcljava.jar"


Let me tell you what I am trying to do.  I'm building extensions for
various programmers.  One of them came along and said "Larry, I'd
like to try out this TclJava thing I've read about". 

"No problem" says I. I mean, I've built dozens of Tcl extensions before.
I just configure, make all check install and off the programmer goes.

So far, after, what, several years, I've finally semi-successfully gotten
this one to build <blush>.  Now I just want to 'test' to see if things
work.  The programmer, not knowing where to start with TclJava, reports
the start up problem I mentioned a bit later.  I tried to do the package
require as well and got the same error.  I was trying to use the demos
to 'prove' to myself that things work.  Unfortunately, to date, I've
failed at that too. 

Nothing like a few good failures to cause doubt in one's universe...

> Ahh, but you did not use the jtclsh startup script did you :)

Nope - didn't know anything about them, so I didn't know to try

Larry W. Virden <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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