
> I am thinking that it might be good to change the name of
> the Tcl package for Tcl/Java related things to tcljava
> instead of java.
I like the package name "java".
IMHO the interfaces to other systems don't need to contain the
string Tcl, since as a Tcl-script writer I know that I'm working
with Tcl. (If Tom P. had asked me, OraTcl would be called Oracle,
or at least the package command would go "package require oracle")

> I think this will make things easier
> to explain because we will not have this extra
> "The Java package" thing to explain.
But there would be "The TclJava package" thing, wouldn't it?

> You would have to change "package require java"
> to "package require tcljava", but I don't think
> that is too big a deal.
Right, it would be no big deal, but I can't see the real benefits...

Greeting, Krischan
Christian Krone, SQL Datenbanksysteme GmbH

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