On 8 Aug 2000, Jiang Wu wrote:

> Currently, there is a plan to make the Java GC perform some
> cleanup on Tcl_Obj in TclBlend.  Looking at the root cause
> for the GC trouble, I think there is a problem with how
> TclBlend uses Tcl_Obj reference counting.  Here is my analysis.
> I think if we fix the reference counting, we don't need to do
> anything in the GC.
> TclBlend does not follow the normal Tcl_Obj reference counting
> usage.  In TclBlend, a Java TclObject is used as the handle
> to the underlining Tcl_Obj:
>        TclObject
>            CObject
>                Tcl_Obj
> Both Tcl_Obj and TclObject have reference counting.  However,
> when incrementing or decrementing the reference count on the
> TclObject, this incrementing or decrementing is proxied into
> the native Tcl_Obj.  This doesn't seem correct.
> In addition, when a new TclObject is created to wrap around
> a Tcl_Obj, the reference count of the TclObject is 0, but
> implicitly, the reference count of Tcl_Obj is incremented
> by 1.  This doesn't seem right either.
> For example, in C, a call to Tcl_GetVar2Ex(...) returns a
> Tcl_Obj, of which, "The ref count for the returned object
> is _not_ incremented to reflect the returned reference;
> if you want to keep a reference to the object you must
> increment its ref count yourself."
> In TclBlend, the corresponding call is "interp->getVar()",
> which uses Tcl_GetVar2Ex(...).  However, the resulting
> Tcl_Obj does have its reference count incremented by
> 1 implicitly by TclBlend.
> The problem with this implicit increment of native
> Tcl_Obj's reference count is that someone, namely the GC
> thread, must decrement the reference count.  This
> causes all sort of undesirable behaviors such as
> the GC thread deadlocking because Tcl_Obj's reference
> count can only be modified by the thread that first created the Tcl_Obj.
> I think we should fix the TclBlend reference counting behavior:
> 1. do not implicitly increment native Tcl_Obj reference count
> when creating a new TclObject that wraps around a Tcl_Obj
> 2. when incrementing or decrementing reference count on
> TclObject, also proxy the action into the native Tcl_Obj
> 3. when TclBlend code wants to keep a Tcl_Obj for the long
> term, the code must increment the reference count
> 4. the GC thread should do nothing regarding to the native Tcl_Obj
> 5. put an assert into the TclObject.finalize() to catch cases
> when the reference count is not decremented to 0
> 6. do not pass Tcl_Obj to other threads, this is not supported
> by Tcl anyway
> With this fix, I dont' think there is a need to make the GC free Tcl_Obj.
> -- Jiang Wu

Ahh, good. We came to the exact same conclusions. I wanted to
take my own look at the problem and see if my solution matched
yours. Now that I see we both think this is the right solution,
I feel much better about it.

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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